pintura alimentaria


by Fakolith Chemical Systems


Plaster mortar for extreme situations that kneaded with the additives of the elite system, can be applied on low and high thicknesses, by hand or projection. Suitable for its use in façade restoration, heritage, industry, civil works, professional theming, in indoors, outdoors and immersion surfaces

Product description

DESCRIPTION: Elite Extreme mortar is a plastering mortar category CS IV and CE marked (more than triples the standard resistance of 6 N/mm², reaching up to 20 N/mm² with proper curing). Standard in white color and granulometries 01 and 0.2, excellent thixotropy that always together with the additives of the elite system, allows the application of large thicknesses for volumetric recomposition, with excellent workability, plasticity and optimized open time for subsequent carving and finishing.

MAIN USE: Elite Extreme mortar is recommended wherever the best possible performance in a CS IV plastering mortar is required. Due to its special composition, it provides high hardness and resistance, for the creation and restoration of horizontal and vertical surfaces, both indoors and outdoors, as well as for immersion. High thixotropic performance, applications from 0.5 cm to 15 cm volume in a single coat. Suitable for the creation of plaster elements, both functional and decorative, in the restoration of facades and heritage, in new construction, civil works in general, construction, food industry and health sector, industry in general, etc.. mainly in vertical and horizontal surfaces and in immersion even in salt water in special situations such as theming work in general, in aquariums, zoos and the like.


- MULTILITE: silicate additive that provides plasticity, consolidation, open time workability and increases physical/chemical resistances.

- FK-19 Plus: pure acrylate and polyurethane additive, which provides waterproofing, plasticity and increases physical/chemical resistance.

WAY OF APPLICATION: Protect well all surfaces that should not be treated or splashed. The support must be well consolidated and consistent, clean, free of hygroscopic salts, microorganisms, dust, release agents, paint or any other substance that may affect its adhesion. The mineral substrates where it is applied must be properly primed and all possible existing cracks due to shrinkage, settling, etc., must also be stabilized.

1. Prepare the mixture of multilite or FK-19 Plus + water in a proportion of 1 liter of additive for every 5 liters of water. If it is applied over a mineral base, prime it with the same elite + water admixture solution that will be used for its mixing, just before applying the mortar.

2. Knead the mortar from 4.2 to 5.2 liters of solution per 25 kg of elite Extreme mortar, until a homogeneous, lump-free mass is obtained, to proceed with its immediate application, either by hand or sprayed. The indicated range of mixing ratio varies depending on the temperature of the environment, absorption of the base, thicknesses and its use by hand or with a spraying machine. We recommend in each case, to use the smallest possible amount of solution; if after drying it presents cracks it is because too much liquid part has been used, in case of doubt make a previous sample to determine the ideal ratio.

3. For its use by hand: Spread first a very thin coat on the support pressing so that the air comes out, and then build up again until obtaining the required thickness, with a recommended maximum of 15-20 cm.

4. For use with a machine, spray directly until the desired thickness is reached, adjusting the appropriate viscosity just at the beginning of the projection.

5. Once the mortar has been levelled, wait approximately 1-2 hours to be able to give it the required shape or planimetry, trim, scrape, theme, with the maximum period of workability starting from 6-12 hours from its application, variable depending on the thickness applied, the temperature and the ambient humidity.

6. Once the texture works have been carried out, it will be left to dry for 24 hours, time in which the last effects can be carried out, and proceed with the finishes.

7. In special situations or singular points like structural joints, unions between different materials, windows, and in general for great thicknesses in volumetric reconstruction and professional thematization, etc, it is convenient the incorporation in the intermediate part of a reinforcement mesh to reinforce it, increasing the resistance against tensions or dilatations.

8. After the application, clean the tools, machinery and/or hoses with water immediately after use, before the mortar sets.

NOTE: It is a thixotropic mortar, if it loses fluidity, shake it again and it will fluidize. Never add more water. For further details and special applications, consult technical data sheet and/or application guides, and safety data sheet.

CONSUMPTION - AVERAGE YIELD: Approx. 18-20 Kg/m² of elite Extreme mortar + 0.55 l of elite additive per 1 cm of thickness. Approx. 0.85 l of elite additive is consumed per 25 kg of elite Extreme mortar.

With Multilite in hand application:

- For plastering up to 1-1.5cm / thickness: between 4.4l.- 4.6l. of solution / 25kg bag (0.75l.-0.80l./multilite / 25kg bag).
- In applications over 1,5cm: between 4,2l.-4,5l. of solution/bag 25Kg. (0,70-0,75l./multilite/bag 25Kg.)

- Application with spraying machine: between 4,8l.-5l. of solution/bag 25Kg) (0,80-0,75l./multilite/bag 25Kg).

With FK-19 Plus, application by hand:

- For plaster up to 1-1,5cm thickness: between 4,6l.- 4,8l. of solution/bag 25Kg (0,75l.-0,80l./FK-19 P./bag 25Kg).
- In applications over 1,5cm: between 4,4 l. - 4,6 l. /bag 25Kg. (0,70-0,75l./FK-19 Plus/bag 25Kg)

- Application with spraying machine: between 5 l. - 5,2 l. /bag 25Kg) (0,85-0,9l./FK-19 Plus/bag 25Kg)

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Fakolith Chemical Systems